Roberto Laneri
Overtone Singing Courses (Overtone Method)
Overtone singing is a corpus of vocal techniques whose common peculiarity is to make the overtones of a fundamental sound clearly perceptible. The best known techniques come from Central Asia, however there is reason to believe that once they were spread throughout the world, possibly even being humanity’s first “music”. Used from time immemorial in shamanic rituals and self-realization contexts, they have been rediscovered and given new impulse in the West by contemporary musicians since the end of the sixties, thereby re-opening the gates to a once strictly initiatic world in which acoustic, geometric, mathematical and philosophical motifs intertwine in sound-form.
The O.M. is a vehicle of self-realization through sound. It is the timeless OM experience, a universal vibration accessible to everyone through vocal techniques (mantra, Mongolian and Tibetan chant) which do not require specific musical knowledge. The practice of O.M. makes it easier to contact subtle levels of consciousness, and can be used as a tool to perceptual expansion, meditation, group chanting, programming of states of consciousness, self-knowledge.
In 2018 the biennial training course on overtone singing of the O(vertone) M(ethod) Academy comes to a close.
Yearly course for beginners at the Totemtanz musica school
a week long residential course at Chiusi della Verna, within the Corsi Internazionali di Perfezionamento Musicale, between the end of August and the beginning of September.
info: Segreteria dei Corsi: Tel. 0575 599357 – 336.683281 – 334.7935770,
a summer course for Ambient’Azioni Musicali, L’Aquila, between July and August
info: www.ambientazioni,, +39 329 124 4071
private tutoring and practice groups in Rome, Prati-Flaminio (, 348 330 16 30)
introductive/intensive courses, usually during a week-end.
In its typical format, this is an introductory and intensive workshop taking place during one week-end. The participants (max. 25, no previous music knowledge or experience necessary) will learn the basic techniques of overtone singing and their utilization in various contexts, plus the main lines of harmonic thought from Pythagoras to the present. The essential pre-requisite is curiosity for the world of sound and vibration, as well as being open to a journey within, using one’s own voice to access deep states of consciousness. The ideal environment is a large, quiet room with carpeted or wooden floor, a writing board and a stereo system. Because of the long stretches of practice time, usually sitting in a circle on the floor, it is recommended to dress comfortably and to bring a cushion or a folding blanket.
for other courses, please refer to this website
for concerts, performances, seminars, please refer to this website
Roberto Laneri