Roberto Laneri
Andrea Angeli, Elisabetta Cioni, Eleonora Frosecchi, Niccolò Gallio, Stefania Merzagora, Luigi Polsini, Alessandra Scarselli. Direzione musicale: Roberto Laneri
J’ay veu, comme il me semble,
Ung fort homme d’honneur
Luy seul chanter ensemble
Et dessus et teneur
(from a French chronicle, ca. 1500)
IN FORMA DI CRISTALLI was a group founded by Roberto Laneri which included overtone singing specialists from Rome and Florence. The group acquired a new depth by incorporating the didjeridoo, the ancient Australian aboriginal instrument.
Selected Performances
• Florence, Museo della Specola, 12.07.2001
• Florence, Museo Marino Marini, 14.06.2001
• Roma, Museo degli Strumenti Musicali, 9.10.2001
• Roma, Chiostro Borrominiano, 16.11.2001
• IN FORMA DI CRISTALLI is featured in the CD INSIDE NOTES, attached to the 50th issue of the magazine World Music, 2002
• Florence, Galleria dell’Accademia, 23.02.2002
• Radiotre Suite, 7.07.2002
• Rome, libreria Bibli, 14.10.02
• Rome, Museo d’arte contemporanea, università La Sapienza, 23.11.2002
• Rome, libreria di Montecitorio, 2.03.2003
• Florence, Museo Marino Marini, 10.07.2003
• Bologna, Elaborazioni sonore nel segno, Teatri di Vita, 23.01.2004
• Anagni, Festival del teatro medievale e rinascimentale, 18.07.2004
• Berlin, Elaborazioni sonore nel segno, Back-Fabrik, 0.11.2004
• Rome, Goethe-Institut, Festival Scelsi , 10.05.2005
• Rome, Tevere Eterno, celebration for the summer solstice, a project by Kristin Jones, 21.06.05
• Montefalco, Contempo, 10.09.05
Roberto Laneri